a Software Engineer in Concord CA.

Looking to work as Junior, Front-end, Back-end Engineer or any similar role, and improve my skills and knowledge in software development. I have worked with:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node-JS, React-JS, D3-JS, Pug, Express JS, API, and more to come!

Got any lead? Suggestion? Need any help?

this is a placeholder for an image

Recent Projects

A static website made of plain HTML with no CSS, showing F & B recipes. This is the first project in the Odin Project curriculum, foundations. It is written with plain HTML only with as minimum possible formatting: paragraph align center, and image height setting. It includes BACK | HOME | NEXT as I thought it is deemed a necessary minimum to include nav bar feature.

screenshot of odin recipes web page
Odin Recipes
Live: LINK, Github: LINK

A simple web app to track the user's exercises (date, duration, and description). It has Create and Read (of CRUD) features in working with REST API and Database. It was built on User Stories and Test Driven Development (TDD) approach. It provided a learning experience of working with Time, one of the most difficult issue in web developing. A project note and sketches left at the end of server.js file to document the challenges being encountered and how they're resolved.

screenshot of exercise tracker web app's user interface
Exercise Tracker
on HTML, CSS, JS, Express, MongoDB, Replit
Live: LINK, Replit: LINK

A dynamic web page built on D3-JS to work with data in JSON file to render the data in Treemap format. It was built on User Stories and Test Driven Development (TDD) approach. This project provided an experience of working with D3 library and its own methods in creating data visualization. A project note left at the end of the html section of the Codepen to document the challenges I experienced and how they're resolved.

screenshot of D3 treemap
on HTML, CSS, JS, D3, Codepen
Live at Codepen: LINK

A timer app to learn effectively: 25 minutes productive followed by 5 minutes break. Written on React JS. This project interacts a lot with Date object, setInterval, and React State. Created with User Stories and Test Driven Development approach. I utilized boolean True and False approach to simply flip the state from Session time to Break time without using conditional statement. A project note left at the end of the html section of the Codepen to document the challenges I faced and how they're resolved.

screenshot of Pomodoro Clock app user interface
Pomodoro 25 + 5 Clock
on HTML, CSS, JS, React, Codepen
Live at Codepen: LINK

About Me

"I am a self-taught web developer. As you could see in my LinkedIn, I was an independent non-litigation lawyer in Indonesia with 15 (fifteen) years of experience in drafting legal instruments, also 2 (two) master of laws and a bachelor of laws, all from the best university in Indonesia. I am well trained to read references, think logically and analytically, also in brainstorming creative approaches to resolve problems, and map every possible scenario to anticipate and avoid future possible problems, in order to produce good legal instruments with minimum assumptions and potential flaws, just like what a coder must do to produce a good application. I made this leap because coding is fun!" - shugyoza

Got any lead? Suggestion? Need any help?